Ways to Improve Self Confidence
Ever been in a situation wherein you’d choose not to be in? How did it feel? Did it feel like you have butterflies in your stomach, to the point that you would just want to barf. As if you and your whole environment are turned upside down at that very second, not to mention that you would just want to disappear if not become invisible to every being capable of perceiving you.
You see yourself falling flat on your face and you feel so nervous to the extent that reaches a point that you sabotage yourself. If ever you may want to venture on something new, you would always sense an uncertain emotion due to the hesitation that people might disapprove or even laugh at you. No fret, because you are not a whacko it’s just that you tend to become vulnerable in reference to other person’s reaction towards you that your self confidence becomes shattered.
But what really is self confidence? Most people describe this as self affirmation, positivism, affection, self-worth, assertiveness, independence, trust, ability to cope with criticism, emotional maturity, and the capability to evaluate individual competence. Mainly it pertains to our affirmative and pragmatic awareness of our individuality and our capabilities. Lack of self-confidence would mean isolation, passivity, self-doubt and feelings of weakness and being unappreciated. Every person at one point in their lives encounter this kind of feeling, perhaps it’s just a matter of adjusting your outlook towards everything that surrounds you. There are actually numerous ways to get over these moments that would eventually be beneficial for your part and for your colleagues as well.
First and foremost the solution must come from within yourself also, you should learn think affirmative of yourself. Since, in the event that other people look down on you, you could rely to no one else for support than yourself. Confidence is never acquired in an instant, it’s a more of mind-setting yourself that you would be able to cope with your dilemma. You could always reinvent yourself. In line to this is you setting a realistic goal for yourself to attain. If you are eyeing for a goal, your mind and you senses are focused on that goal that you would be able to develop your own means of motivating yourself. Initially you could set it to a reasonable level so that you could accomplish it easily and once you achieve it everything else follows and confidence becomes the most apparent benefit from it.
Learn to give yourself little incentives after a job well done; nobody else would know how to give a satisfying reward for your senses other than yourself. For instance after getting a good grade on a make-up exam given to you, you might want to indulge a little by dropping by the mall to have an ice cream or a foot spa instead. Of course failures are the most common source of lack in a person’s self-confidence. Being innately sentient beings the feeling of frustration usually gobbles up the whole of us, but what we’re unaware of as we allow our emotions get the best of us our ability to think logically becomes obstructed eventually resulting to wrong decisions. As usual, if you make wrong decisions it leads you to wrong actions and lessening of self-confidence. Always bear in mind that thinking logically instead of letting your emotions lead you to the wrong path.
We’re human beings, each one of us has their individual strengths and weaknesses. The only difference each one of us experiences is the ability to deal with the weaknesses, and reinforce our strengths towards something that would be beneficial for us. Next is the ability to identify that someone our individual uniqueness results to incomparable competence and abilities, so we must be open-minded enough to accept that someone is better than ours because perfection is but impossible.
Lastly, was to experiences your previous mistakes would assist in you molding yourself, your character, your notions and everything else about you to adapt to frustrations. Just be honest about yourself and you’d be able to resolve things to a means more beneficial for you. By then you’d get a perfect grasp of your capability eventually leading to your assertiveness.
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